Sunday, January 28, 2007

Grafted Cast Off Edge ala PGR

Good for 1x1 or 2x2 rib

Break yarn leaving a tail about 4 times the circumference of the sock.

1.Slide the knit stitches to one needle to lie in front and the purl stitches onto another needle to lie in back.
2.With yarn coming from back, enter the first knit stitch as if to purl but do not remove.
3.On the front, enter the first knit stich as if to knit and remove; enter the next knit stitch as if to purl, but do not remove.
4.On the back, enter first purl stitch as if to purl and remove; enter the next purl stitch as if to knit, but do not remove.
5.Repeat 3 and 4 until one stitch remains on front and one on back. Knit off front stitch and purl off back stitch. End by entering the first knit stitch removed as if to purl, then take the yarn to back to work tail down a rib.

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