Monday, January 29, 2007

Russian Bindoff ala Wendy Knits

Knit 2, slip these 2 sts back to the lefthand needle, k2tog, *k1, slip 2 sts on righthand needle back to the lefthand needle, k2tog*. Repeat from * to *.

Bind off in ribbing. When it comes to working the 2 stitches together, work it knit or purl, depending on what the second stitch of the two is.


karrol said...

God Bless you for this page,you are so kind to share. Sincerely,karrol

Eve said...

It's K2tog *through back loops*. Important detail :)

Pugspearlsandpurls said...

She actually doesn't do it TBL. See Either way is fine though. The only difference is TBL saves you from slipping the stitches back to the left needle and looks more like a traditional bind-off - if you like that look.

Pugspearlsandpurls said...

She actually doesn't do it TBL. See Either way is fine though. The only difference is TBL saves you from slipping the stitches back to the left needle and looks more like a traditional bind-off - if you like that look.